At Talata Basketball, excellence is at the core of our game. Our dedicated team of professional coaches set the highest quality in every aspect of basketball. With years of experience, we've tackled various challenges, always finding the optimal solution for your game. Whether it's refining your shooting technique or strategizing for a big match, our expertise guarantees a well-executed plan. Don't hesitate to reach out, whether you're facing challenges on the court or planning a total game transformation. We've got your basketball needs covered!
Time | Activity | Place | Team | |
31. Mar | 19:00 - 20:15 |
@ Næstved 2 - U19
Næstved Arena | Talata Academy U17/U19 and Talata Academy U15 |
05. Apr | 14:15 - 16:00 |
@ Værløse2 vs TALATA ( U19)
Søndersøhallen | Talata Academy U17/U19 and Talata Academy U15 |
06. Apr | 11:00 - 12:30 |
@ Holbæk 1 - U13
Holbæk Sportsby | Talata Academy U13 |
06. Apr | 16:15 - 18:00 |
BK amager 2 / TALATA basketball (3rd division, mens) /17 pm
Amagerhallen stor bane | Talata Academy U17/U19 |
06. Apr | 17:00 - 18:30 |
@ BK Amager - Talata Mens
Amagerhallen | Talata Mens and 2 teams more |
11. Apr | 17:15 - 19:30 |
Talata basketball vs Solrød ( U19) / ( 18pm)
Munkekærhallen Hallen | Talata Academy U17/U19 |
13. Apr | 10:30 |
Talata Basketball vs Hovedstadens BBF2
Nørre Fælled Skole Hallen | Talata Academy U17/U19 |
13. Apr | 18:00 |
Talata Basketball vs SØS 2
sydøstsjællands idrætefterskolen | Talata Academy U17/U19 |
26. Apr | 11:00 - 12:30 |
@ Alba 1 - U13 (40075001)
Engholmhallen | Talata Academy U13 |
27. Apr | 16:00 - 17:30 |
BK Amager 2 - Talata Basketball
Amagerhallen Stor Bane | Talata Academy U17/U19 and Talata Academy U15 |
Questions about trainings, gyms, how to join a team..etc? Write them below